What are the indications for resorting to sophrology?

It is relevant for sleep problems, in cases of addictions, eating disorders, in pain management, to treat bad stress, improve self-confidence, prepare for exams, treat anxiety … Beyond the medical field, sophrology is also used in businesses to increase the...

What is the difference from meditation?

Focused on the present, the latter consists of becoming aware of our inner world (breathing, sensations, perceptions … without judgment with a warm welcome). This practice allows you to calm the mind and acquire awareness of yourself. Meditation has no...

Should we do sessions regularly?

Regular practice is very important in the case of chronic or degenerative diseases such as cancer. The act of practicing more frequently makes it possible to calm the mind, to better manage stress and to be able to name the emotions (anger, sadness,...

What are the benefits of relaxation therapy?

The physical benefits are physical relaxation and muscle relaxation (head to toe). It is a real energy recharge. Relaxation of the body enables relaxation of the mind. Beyond a greater well-being, the immune system improves as well as sleep disorders. This relaxation...

What do we mean by “visualisation”?

It is about recalling happy memories of the past to transform our vision of being. We learn to positively anticipate an anxiety-provoking situation. Visualisation can also help to project yourself into the future, in a positive way, seeing yourself in good health and...